What is the strength of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The strength of ON! BERRY, 3MG is light.
Who is the manufacturer of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The manufacturer of ON! BERRY, 3MG is Råå S.
How many bags are in a can of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
There are 20 sachets in a can of ON! BERRY, 3MG.
What is the nicotine mg per serving in ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The nicotine mg per serving in ON! BERRY, 3MG is 1.0.
What is the gross weight per can of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The gross weight per can of ON! BERRY, 3MG is 24.3 g.
What is the nicotine strength (Mg/G) of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The nicotine strength (Mg/G) of ON! BERRY, 3MG is 3.
What is the recommended use of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The recommended use of ON! BERRY, 3MG is to place a sachet between your upper lip and gums and keep it there for up to 60 minutes. Do not chew or swallow the pouch.
Who is the manufacturer of ON! BERRY, 3MG?
The manufacturer of ON! BERRY, 3MG is Råå S.
Can ON! BERRY, 3MG be used during pregnancy or lactation?
Nicotine products such as ON! BERRY, 3MG should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. When in doubt, consult your health care provider.
How should I store ON! BERRY, 3MG?
ON! BERRY, 3MG should be stored in a cool and dry place.
I thought it was a little uncomfortable at first that the barbecues were so milky but it disappears quickly and there is a very nice taste of this Berry.